% This file was created with Citavi @article{Oloyede.2019, author = {Oloyede, Hammed Olawale and Woods, Joseph Anthony Orighomisan and G{\"o}rls, Helmar and Plass, Winfried and Eseola, Abiodun Omokehinde}, year = {2019}, title = {The necessity of free and uncrowded coordination environments in biomimetic complex models: oxidative coupling by mixed-ligand cobalt( ii ) complexes of diazene--disulfonamide}, pages = {6}, volume = {157}, issn = {1144-0546}, journal = {New Journal of Chemistry}, doi = {10.1039/C9NJ04396A}, file = {OLWOGO20:\\\\zufs.uni-jena.de\\CHEGE\\AGPlass\\Literatur\\Handapparat (Citavi 6)\\Handapparat\\Citavi Attachments\\OLWOGO20.pdf:pdf} }