grafisches Abstrakt
Foto: The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016Facile high-yield synthesis of unsymmetric end-off compartmental double Schiff-base ligands: easy access to mononuclear precursor and unsymmetric dinuclear complexes
Markus Schmidt, Helmar Görls, Winfried Plass;
RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 75844-75855.Externer Link
grafisches Abstrakt
Foto: 1999-2019 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reservedSize-Dependent Self-Assembly of Lanthanide-Based Coordination Frameworks with Phenanthroline-2,9-dicarboxylic Acid as a Preorganized Ligand in Hybrid Materials
Mahboubeh Alipour, Oluseun Akintola, Axel Buchholz, Masoud Mirzaei, Hossein Eshtiagh-Hosseini, Helmar Görls, Winfried Plass;
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2016, 5356-5365.Externer Link
grafisches Abstrakt
Foto: The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016Synthesis, structures, magnetic, and theoretical investigations of layered Co and Ni thiocyanate coordination polymers
Stefan Suckert, Michal Rams, Michael Böhme, Luzia S. Germann, Robert E. Dinnebier, Winfried Plass, Julia Werner, Christian Näther;
Dalton Trans., 2016, 45, 18190-18201.Externer Link
Synthesis, spectroscopy, electrochemistry and structural determination of asymmetric cobalt(III) Schiff base complexes
Ali Hossein Kianfar, Maryam Sedighipoor, Gholamhossein Mohammadnezhad, Helmar Görls, Winfried Plass, Mahmoud Roushani;
J. Iran. Chem. Soc.,2016,14 (2), 1-10.Externer Link
grafisches Abstrakt
Foto: 2016 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, WeinheimSynthesis, Theoretical Study and Catalytic Application of Oxidometal (Mo or V) Complexes: Unexpected Coordination Due to Ligand Rearrangement through Meal-Mediated C-C Bond Formation
Sagarika Pasayat, Michael Böhme, Sarita Dhaka, Subhashree P. Dash, Sudarshana Majumder, Mannar R. Maurya, Winfried Plass, Werner Kaminsky, Rupam Dinda;
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.,2016, 1604-1618.Externer Link
grafisches Abstrakt
Foto: 1999-2019 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.Thermal and Light-Induced Spin Transitions of FeIIComplexes with 4- and 5-(Phenylazo)-2,2'-bipyridine Ligands: Intra- vs. Intermolecular Effects
Sven Olaf Schmidt, Holger Naggert, Axel Buchholz, Hannah Brandenburg, Alexander Bannwarth, Winfried Plass, Felix Tuczek;
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.,2016, 2175-2186.Externer Link
grafisches Abstrakt
Foto: 2016, American Chemical SocietySpecific Surface versus Electrochemically Active Area of the Carbon/Polypyrrole Capacitor: Correlation of Ion Dynamics Studied by an Electrochemical Quartz Crystal Microbalance with BET Surface
Heike L. K. S. Mosch, Oluseun Akintola, Winfried Plass, Stephanie Höppener, Ulrich S. Schubert, Anna Ignaszak;
Langmuir,2016,32, 4440-4449.Externer Link
grafisches Abstrakt
Foto: 2016, American Chemical SocietyCobalt(II)-Based Single-Ion Magnets with Distorted Pseudotetrahedral [NO2O2] Coordination: Experimental and Theoretical Investigations
Sven Ziegenbalg, David Hornig, Helmar Görls, Winfried Plass;
Inorg. Chem., Externer Link2016,55, 4047-4058.Externer Link
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grafisches Abstrakt
Foto: The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016A facile, green and efficient surfactant-free method for synthesis of aluminum nanooxides with an extraordinary high surface area
Gholamhossein Mohammadnezhad, Oluseun Akintola, Winfried Plass, Frank Steiniger, Martin Westermann;
Dalton Trans.,2016,45, 6329-6333.Externer Link
grafisches Abstrakt
Foto: 2018 Informa UK LimitedSynthesis, structure, magnetic properties and kinetics of formation of a cluster containing a {Cu3(µ3-OH)} core supported by a triazole-based ligand
Ahmed Jasim M. Al-Karawi, Eric Maatta, John Desper, Leila Maurmann, Richard A. Henderson, Axel Buchholz, Winfried Plass;
J. Coord. Chem.,2016, Externer Link69, 458-474.Externer Link
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grafisches Abstrakt
Foto: 2015 Elsevier B.V.Structural and spectroscopic characterizations of aluminium phenoxide
Gholamhossein Mohammadnezhad, Mostafa Amini, Hamid Reza Khavasi, Winfried Plass;
Spectrochim. Acta, Part A,2016,157, 238-243.Externer Link